Sunday, April 1, 2018

Settling in time.

Another little catch up post. Ray and Marcy headed off in their car toward Panama. They had an approximately 5-6 hour drive to deal with. Since it is Easter coming up they expected some police checks along the way. They did have some but arrived safely at their Panama City apartment and have about 48 hours before their own adventure starts.
We have spent the last few days settling in, driving around the property and getting used to the kitties schedule and the watering requirements.
This is such a beautiful place. While sitting on the verandah we hear LOUD howler monkeys nearby, little green parrots visit the trees beside us any varied humming birds flitter amongst the tropical flowers. 
Our first day alone we did have a power outage in the morning but we handled it like pros and all was well by the end of the day. Rich had all the information from Ray and Marcy about switching breakers and keeping the system safe when the power came back on. I have to say, the detailed notes left by them makes it so much easier to deal with these occurrences. Great homeowners to pet sit for. Now if I can just keep all the plants alive, the mango tree and the kitties happy we will be fine!
Here are some photos taken of the wildlife around the property.
Bucaró village below our house

Howler Monkey just to the side of the house in a little valley

It is dry season but there are still beautiful greens to be seen

Red Headed Vulture
Male Garden Emerald Humming Bird

Tropical Kingbird, affectionally known as TK locally

Female Barred Antstrike. The male was there but I missed him. Quite different.

Seed pods from a tree with beautiful yellow flowers like buttercups.

Empty pod

Black Headed Vulture

Capuchin Monkeys

We were lucky to see them on the side of the road as we drove around.

Over the Easter weekend there is not a lot open so we will just be driving around the area, look after kitties and plan our trips coming up! Saturday night the village was hopping! We could clearly hear the music all night long (until about 3am). I'm not sure how many made it to Easter Sunday service this Morning LOL

Thanks for visiting, Sue and Her Sidekick.