Friday, April 6, 2018

Another uneventful day in Panama ... NOT!

So today was laundry day and using up what was in the fridge day. Made some hummus and coleslaw  and salads.

Did my little daily art in my journal ... very relaxing.

Time for a beer on the patio. I checked my messages and was listening to a voice mail from David down the road and suddenly Richard says... "HON" and is pointing to the horizon ...the point where the garden dips down a steep bank into the veggie garden. I am paying attention to what David is saying on his message and half heartedly look to where he is pointing ... and there is some very subtle movement along the horizon line ... and I'm thinking...what is that... a row of big bugs? a row of  baby quail maybe? OH NO ... its  a BIG ASS SNAKE slithering along the horizon ...its black and greeny cream colours. I drop the phone and grab my camera ...because I am not wrangling this guy..he is about 4 feet long!! In the back of my head is Marcy's voice saying they have NEVER had a venomous  snake sighting on their property ... so it's OK to sneak up while he is stopped and take pics right?
(The cats were all sound asleep thank god!)

Hello there ... 

about 4 feet long we think

Oblivious thanks goodness!
Forget that beer...I need a stiff drink!! LOL

Mr Rat Snake is now gone and is somewhere in the veggie garden. We have the number to call if we see him again since he could hard the cats. Ahmed will arrange him and relocate him.

So much for a quiet day of housekeeping today....

As I sit and write this we are surrounded by noisy Mealy Parrots ... what  an adventure!

Jungle Sue and Tarzan


  1. Oh no! Too much excitement - good thing you have people you can call for help!

  2. Ha ha Jungle Sue, never a dull moment! So glad you started this blog! Adorable shot of the cats! I'm ok with the snake, just not the bugs!
