Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday and some fun new birds to add to my list

I'm learning that birds are not the easiest thing to photograph, they don't sit still while you fiddle with the controls of your camera ... cheeky things.
One of our "chores" here is to water a Mango tree and to water the plants around a tree that Marcy and Ray have planted for the future of their development here. A beautiful spot to sit and look at the view. I love their gentle plans for this space they have.
So today was tree watering day. We loaded up four containers of water, three water cans and head out...I also packed my camera since Marcy mentioned that she has seen the white faced monkeys right by the tree planting area. It's also a great time of day to see birds head to their roosting spots for the night.

We stopped to look down toward Bucaró

The road to the trees.

We went down to the Mango tree first since it is the furthers away and just as we arrived I hear parrots calling. Not the small parrots that I have seen at the house. Loud squeaky ones, different couples calling across the valley to each other as the sun set. Suddenly one pair came into view...stunning vibrant green colours flashed in the sunlight and they alighted on the tree just in front of where we were, about 30 yards away. I grabbed my camera, pointed and and prayed...
(I know Marcy..I should have pointed it and thought about what I was trying to achieve but I was so darn excited lol)

Dang! Hidden by branches...the bane of my life here with the birds LOL

But then the one parrot moved up the branch a little bit...

..and I was pretty happy with this one since it all happened so fast!

Then out of nowhere I saw a big bird flying by and just clicked and focused as best I could...and when I got home I realized I had captured a few pictures of an Osprey with dinner in it's talons..

At first I though he had a bird...

but I think it was a fish since they are ocean fishers

I have to start a list of all the birds we see... I might be a birder!

Back to the parrots sitting in the tree...
Got the look...and... they flew.
I watched them fly away squeaking like banshees...and then I saw them land n another tree up the road. I was not too optimistic...but I asked Richard to water the Mango tree while I walked back up the hill we had driven down. As I approached I could hear but not see them...and the light was making everything a silhouette ...not good. But as I reached the tree they were still there and as I passed it I looked backwards and there sitting on a bare branch was one of the pair!
Just as I raised my camera he started to lift his wings and I thought...gonna miss this one...but no! Instead he started to put his wings up and screech at the top of his very tiny lungs and I caught this sequence! (Parrots would be great opera singers...just saying!)

see the wings start to lift...

Almost ready...

..and SCREECH...

Love the flash of red

all done..

Impressed with himself! :-) and they flew off!

Such an honour to see such beauties in the wild! I cannot wait to add to my list of birds spotted! I wish Marcy had been was quite the scene and with her lens she would have caught amazing shots! I've started my Birthday wish list...just sayin'

Rich drove up and picked me up after all that excitement...I had such a big grin on my face! He is a patient man!
Oh Driver....!!

Thanks for stopping by, I promise we will head out on adventures soon...we are just loving the peace and calm here after so much travelling recently. We need to go do a shop for sure on Tuesday! Sorry for all the bird shots...we will do more touristy things very soon!

Sue and her Sidekick.
Average Temps today .. 33°C☀ 91°F

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