Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Whose Idea was this?

So lets give a little back story first. When we arrived and met all the kitties we knew pretty clearly that Porsche holds a special place in Marcy's heart, she loves them all but this sweet Princess had a special part of her heart. The hardest question I always ask is, do you want to know if anything happens to the pets while you are away? She said yes she wanted to know.

One of the rules is, the gates are closed when the two house cats are out and about. The two house cats should be in at nightfall. Got it.

Yesterday Porsche, who normally only goes out for about 10 minutes before wanting in again, but always seems to want to go out around 6-6:30pm which is a no go time, was not out very much at all during the day. Around 5pm I took her outside to have a sniff around and some fresh air before it was time to come in. Well, sun sets and no Porsche. We finished our dinner and Richard calls her, I call her, we ask the other cats where she is, no help there. I opened the front door to call her and then Colby ran out...but I am a ninja and grabbed him before he got too far. After that I took a flashlight and walked around the house and the property (in the pitch dark in a jungle setting..I'm a badass like that) calling her. After going through that stress she finally sauntered up and looked at me like ... WHAT? Panic avoided and I was able to stop thinking about how to break the news to Marcy. The rest of the evening was calm.

Its been nice and cool at night so we have just had the windows open and the breeze flowing through the house instead of the air conditioning in the bedrooms. Therefore the cats can roam in and out of the bedrooms too. 6am this morning I had a cat walking AROSS my head .. and woke up to this... LOL You are welcome kitty.

Ah, time to feed the cats and have a relaxing iced coffee on the patio, because mornings are calm like that...right? The cats then went to their usual spot by the shrubs where the humming birds flitter in the mornings.
Post breakfast lounging

I took my guide book and latte and sat at the table
I love this spot

So as I am relaxing and planning a future trip to a little town called Ocรบ where apparently one of the best Panama Hat makers lives I realize that Lonely Planet does not even have our little village in it! Yes we are too remote for Lonely Planet! Gotta love that! Then I tried to check the driving on my iPhone maps and it does not know where Ocรบ is ... this could be an interesting assignment to find Lydia's replacement Panama hat. I hope this will repay her for giving her the mange! :-) (Inside joke)

Where in the world are we?

 Suddenly, Colby makes a move and I hear a flutter and he has something under his paw, meanwhile Ginger is also there. So I'm thinking he has caught a big bug that Ginger chased his way. Then I realize...he has a tiny humming bird! Ninja moves again as I grab him, get the bird and fight off mad kitties. The little bird was so tiny. She is a Garden Emerald. I could see she was in shock and so I just held her while she recovered but it gave me time to take a couple of pictures. She happily flew off to be safe for another day.
The colours were so amazing!

 Well thats certainly got the blood flowing to start my day. What more could happen before we left for grocery shopping and a visit to the neighbour.

Suddenly Richard shouts ... OH NO .. now she has a snake! And here comes Ginger with a two foot long Vine snake (I didn't know what kind of snake it was right at that moment but I was texting with Marcy at the time and quickly found out). I ran and grabbed Ginger and the little snake was trying hard to save itself and had its mouth WIDE open ready to bite. Soon as I took the cat, who was royally pissed off now, the snake headed to the shrubs where the humming birds hang out and climbed into one. I put Ginger down (AKA wriggling grumpy cat) and she immediately ran to find it. Meanwhile I asked Marcy what it was and knew then that it was not poisonous ... if I had given her the right description that is...
The snake is now up in the shrub and really no way to get away from the cat who is now trying to see how to climb into the shrub. I tried shooing her away but she was having nothing of it. I brought more food out and all the other cats were happy ... but not Miss Ginger ... she was focused. There was nothing for it..I had to take a picture and then rescue the snake...
Brown Vine Snake

Then I did something I never thought I would EVER do .. I picked up a live wriggling snake and carried it about 40 feet to the front yard and put it in a vine. During this time it had its mouth wide open ready to bite me and made a couple of attempts to do that too. But I held on gently and it went on to live a hopefully long life in the jungle.

Now my heart is racing at a fierce rate and I need to take a shower. Grocery shopping should be a calming event right?

Ninja and her Sidekick


  1. Ninja Jungle Girl! Change your name girl! Sounds like an action packed time ๐Ÿ˜ good for you saving the hummingbird and creepy snake ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ‰

  2. Love it! You are so brave to pick up a snake, especially a live one! Cats, I love them, but they are too successful at being a predator ...

  3. Holy smokes, Batgirl! Look at you picking up a jungle snake and saving it in the morning. I'm so very glad it was not the poisonous variety for you and the kitties. The little hummingbird was probably extremely grateful for your help today, too!

  4. Oh Sue! What a way to start your day. I am so glad to hear all people and animals survived!

  5. Even my heart is racing just reading about all of this!!! Sheesh! I am so glad you are blogging your adventure so I can read all about your trip!! Be safe! Hugs!! (and so glad you were able to save the hummer!!)

  6. Omg Rich and Sue's big Panama Adventures is right...lol!!!
    Keep em coming!

  7. And all before lunch! You amaze me.

  8. Never a dull moment! Way to save that snake Jungle Sue! As always, great eye Tarzan!

  9. Oh and the hummingbird! Those are some fast kitties!
